Armenia Post Tracking

Armenia Post
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  • Rating
  • Average package delivery time
    7 days
Packages Delivery Terms Armenia Post
  • 0-14 days

  • 15-45 days

  • 90+ days

  • 46-90 days

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HayPost is the official national postal operator of the Republic of Armenia. The company offers postal, payment, and retail services to the public. Moreover, it has 900 post offices across Armenia cutting across urban and rural populations. On November 30, 2006, the Dutch HayPost Trust Management B.V. received a government mandate to run HayPost. The management intended to transform the state corporation into a vibrant commercial, accountable, transparent, efficient entity that can win the trust of the public. Also, the Trust was intended to transform it into a world-class postal and financial institution that commands the respect of local and international customers.

Moreover, the postal provider is planning to open more than 250 new postal office and branches across the country. This expansion is a part of its plan to get its services closer to the public. The company is also networking with other international players in the private and public sectors to increase its ability to deliver more mails internationally. It’s also partnering with other international players specializing in philately to enhance the quality of stamp issuance and collection sales.

Below are the core services the postal operator offers the public:

  • Ordinary, registered, and printed mail services;
  • Local and international parcel delivery;
  • Local and international express mail services;
  • Payment services such as pension distribution, collection of utility bills, police bills, tax bills, and money transfer services;
  • Retail services such as the sales of a various consumer goods in postal offices;
  • Provision of Internet services to the public;
  • Philatelic services.

Armenia Post Tracking: How It Works

Just like with other postal companies the world over, the question of Armenia Post tracking still lingers in the minds of millions of recipients across the world. The reason is that waiting for urgent or sensitive cargo at times can cause jitters in people’s minds. Such addressees need to know the status of their packages at every stage of the way. But how can people be sure of their cargo’s status? Thank God modern technology has made it possible, easy, affordable, and convenient. You don’t need complex tools or skills to track your orders, no. Only a smartphone and an Internet connection are enough to do the job.

First, you can use the special code accompanying your dispatched items to track them on our platform. Our tracking website has an easy interface with a simple interface that lets you check for your order in just a few second! You only have to log in, open a special window, key in your cargo’s tracking code, and wait for the results.

Alternatively, you can head to the ecommerce website of the vendor you bought from and key in your special 13-digit code in the designated order section to track your items.

Waiting for your shipment to arrive should not become a matter of life against death to keep your fingers crossed. With our Armenia Post tracking solution, you can track your order at every stage of the way without worry or fear. Try today to see that Armenia Post, UK Mail, Aliexpress Shipping, and any other carriers may be traced with ease in real time.